I have a really awesome BFF  (Best Friend Forever)!

We have been best friends for 33 years. That’s more years than some people reading this have been alive. Most of my best memories feature her as the star. I can tell her anything never fearing judgment or ridicule. I have a few other dear sister-friends as well. One, I met in college when I thought I didn’t need any new ‘best’ friends. I have fond memories of skipping class with her to watch A Different World marathons while munching on eggs, cheese, and potatoes (don’t knock it until you try it). She and I used to laugh for hours about things I’m certain no one else would find funny. Now that life is a little more complicated-with hubbies, and children, and bills -we are responsible for keeping each other sane as wives and moms. However, we still cackle at the most random things.

Even though God has blessed me with a beautiful but small group of besties, turns out He’s the best of them all. Perhaps this isn’t news to you, but it hasn’t always been the case for me.

Let me explain.

I have been a regular church attendee for the majority of my life. I gave my life to Christ at the 13-years-old. I began really developing my own personal relationship with Christ at around 15-years-old. I went to church, served in the church, and did all the ‘right’ things. In college, I sang in a gospel choir, avoided parties, went to church, joined a campus Bible study-all that. As an adult, after college, I continued doing all the ‘right’ things. And then…

I started to stray.

I will spare you the details of my super lukewarm Christian days in my 20s, but the point is I spent a lot of time knowing about God, without actually knowing Him. Everybody told me God loved me, but what I heard was “if you’re good and follow these rules, God loves you.” Everybody told me God was my friend and longed to spend time with me, but I heard “God is friends with the really good Christians and you better log in your prayer time so you can go to heaven.”

Unfortunately, it wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I finally came to know in my head and in my heart that God loves me simply because…just because. I can’t give you a reason. He IS love. He made me. He’s merciful.

After all those years of being a “Christian,” after all the bible studies, and choir rehearsals, sermons, and ‘quiet times’ this was sadly a ‘revelation’ to me. But you know what? I’m not sad about how long it took me to get there. I’m elated! The revelation came through pure, unadulterated, unencumbered time with God. Talking to Him the way I would my BFFs and listening to Him-the way I would my BFFs. Honestly, it wasn’t my usual way of praying. It wasn’t out of duty or a need for something necessarily. I took a long break from my usual TV, Internet, etc time and instead spent time just worshiping God for who He is and what He’s done. I think – no I’m sure, that’s how God was able to get thru to me in a real way. All the muck and gunk was out of the way and He could really communicate His love for me.

I’m so grateful.

I don’t know what my life would be like without my BFFs. They literally make life better. I always feel bad for people who say they don’t have one. If that’s you, remember “..there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).” The fact is even if you have a million friends, there is no BFF like Jesus. Set aside some time today just for you and Him to talk and share. It will be the best thing you did all day.

About the Author:

Ayesha Keller is a lover of Jesus, wife, and mother of two rambunctious boys. She is also an assistant social work professor, blogger, and vlogger.  You can read her blog here and visit her YouTube channel here.