What does it mean to be stubborn?
According to Lexico, stubborn means “Having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.”
After reading that definition, how many of you would honestly admit that you have been or are still stubborn in ways? I can tell you that I was stubborn up until a few days ago when God showed me through a dream that I was being stubborn and needed to repent of my ways. For me, God used a few key things in the dream that let me know I was being a hindrance to others as well as myself because of my stubbornness. Yes, that’s right I was being a hindrance to others and myself.
Many times we block others as well as ourselves from receiving the things that God has for us because we won’t change or convert to the things of God even when we are being taught and shown. I almost blocked someone from receiving the very thing they need from God because I was stuck in my ways. But thank God I was open and willing to hear from Him, repent and apologize for my selfishness and then turn away from doing that to anyone else. I wonder how many people have almost or did block me from receiving God’s blessing because of their stubbornness and views of me? How many people have I blocked from receiving God’s blessing because of my views of them?
Don’t get me wrong, there are some things where being stubborn is not a hindrance but those would include not budging on your views concerning the things of God or things that blatantly go against His Word. Things like that I will stand with you and say stand your ground, but if it will stop someone from receiving His very best for them it’s best to yield to Him and let Him work through them.
“Stubborn people who repeatedly refuse to accept correction will suddenly be broken and never recover.”
- Proverbs 29:1 TPT
I realize that everyone has their own beliefs, morals, and values; I can only suggest to you that the Word of God is a key to guide your life toward abundance. But one thing I am sure of is that the key (God) can give you wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
The following scriptures speak on stubbornness:
Proverbs 16:18, Acts 7:51, Proverbs 12:1, Jeremiah 7:24, and Psalms 32:9
About the Author:
Mika Washington is a 31-year-old journal writing enthusiast, who just decided to go for it. Journaling has been something she has always enjoyed. She says it helped get her through a lot in life and still does. Mika says just decided to write out loud and allow others to hear her thoughts because she was Created to Inspire!”
June 20, 2019