In the latest “Our Virtues Series” of interviews, we reached out to Ashley Morgan Jackson,  a wife of nearly 10 years, a stay at home mom to 2 little boys. Most of all she’s loves Christ and shares that love with women near and far. She encourages others with her blog and as of recently through her first Bible study. She says her aim is to encourage women to walk closely with the Lord and live out their callings. Let’s get into our chat with Ashley! 

 MVW: Why are you so passionate about encouraging women to grow closer to Christ?

Ashley: He is the reason we live, He is our source, our strength, our joy, everything. We all want abundant lives full of meaning and vision.  Jesus has all of that for us, but so often we settle for broken spirits and hearts and heads filled with lies. Jesus came to set us free and wants us to run with Him, the place where that happens is with Him, letting Him tell us who we are and how much He loves us. Letting His Word change us from the inside out and sets us out on mission.

 MVW: What do you think is the biggest struggle that women in the church are facing right now?

Believing lies. Lies about one another, lies that they’re alone, lies that God doesn’t really have plans to use them, lies that their circumstances will never change. In our society it is so easy to keep to ourselves and try to self-preserve, the beauty happens when we expose the lies and tell our weaknesses because it unites us. We all feel unsure of others motives, of being accepted, and keeping ourselves from being rejected because of past experiences, but what if we got everything we needed from God, dared to believe Him and prayed fervently for love for other women. What would our lives begin to look like?

 Here at “Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman” we stand by the motto “The Proverbs 31 women of today are the Titus 2 women of tomorrow.” Why is so important for our older women to reach out to the younger generation to keep them on the narrow path?

Simply put, wisdom. Young women don’t know what they don’t know, but the older women do. Both generations have a vital role to play; the younger being hungry to learn and ask questions and invite the wisdom in and the older to realize that young women need spiritual mothers like never before. What they have gone through and what they have to share is of huge value and they can speak into those just starting out into that path with a voice of hope and love.

 What is your hope for women in today’s society?

There are so many things that are easily pulling many astray. To know Christ intimately and for Him to be the greatest desire of our hearts. Most things that we fill our time with are not bad things, they just simply aren’t the point. Jesus, knowing Him and knowing that He knows you, takes a lot of time, just like any relationship does. My desire would be that women don’t just know Him on the surface but hunger for more always, want to dive deep with Him into His Word and be brave enough to hold His hand while He takes us to look at the broken parts of us we spend so much time running from.

To further connect with Ashley, simply click here to visit her blog where she invites you to read encouraging content, bible studies, and courses. 

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