Forgiveness is not always easy. It’s natural to hold on to resentment and bitterness when someone has wronged us, hurt us, or caused us pain. However, forgiveness is essential to living a Christ-centered life. It’s a powerful tool that allows us to let go of negative emotions and find peace in our hearts.

Now, don’t get me wrong, forgiveness does not mean forgetting what has happened, nor does it mean excusing or justifying the actions of the person who hurt us. Instead, forgiveness means choosing to release the hold that these negative emotions have over us and moving forward in a positive direction.

There are several reasons why forgiveness is so important. First, forgiveness is essential for our own well-being. When we hold onto anger, resentment, and bitterness, it can affect us physically, mentally, and emotionally. These negative emotions can lead to stress, anxiety, depression, and even physical illness. Forgiveness can help us let go of these negative emotions and find peace within ourselves.

Secondly, forgiveness is important for our relationships with others. Holding onto anger and bitterness can damage relationships, causing them to deteriorate over time. By forgiving others, we can restore and strengthen our relationships, and create a more positive and healthier environment for ourselves and those around us.

But forgiveness is not always easy. It can be a process, and it takes time and effort to work through our negative emotions and find the strength to forgive. Here are some steps we can take to help us on our journey towards forgiveness:

Acknowledge the hurt: Recognize that you have been hurt and allow yourself to feel the emotions that come with it. Don’t suppress or ignore your feelings.

Choose to forgive: Forgiveness is a choice, and it’s important to make that choice consciously. Decide that you are ready to let go of the negative emotions and move forward.

Pray for strength: Forgiveness is not always easy, and it may take time and effort to work through the negative emotions. Pray for strength and guidance during this process.

Seek support: Don’t be afraid to seek support from friends, family, or a counselor. Talking about your feelings and experiences can help you work through them and find the strength to forgive.

Let go: Once you have made the decision to forgive, it’s important to let go of the negative emotions and thoughts. Focus on moving forward in a positive direction.

Simply put: Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can transform our lives. It allows us to let go of negative emotions, find peace within ourselves, and restore and strengthen our relationships with others. While forgiveness is not always easy, it is essential to living a Christ-centered life. Let us strive towards forgiveness and let go of bitterness and resentment.

“And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.” – Mark 11:25