It’s officially a wrap for 2020 and it’s a brand New Year.
Most of us have been praying to get here to this moment, since March of last year.
But where is here?
My hope and desire for this year is that we become women of prayer. Women with our hearts set on Christ. We do not know what this year will bring. We can plan and set goals but as most of us know, only the Lord has the final say.
My hope is that we dwell in the peace that Christ promised us (John 14:27) throughout this year. The world around us may be chaotic but our eyes are still on our Father when we walk and ultimately live in Christ’s peace.
If you’ve experienced a job loss or someone you cared about, grieve but don’t lose hope. Put your hope in believing that the Lord brought us this far for a specific purpose. Time with the Father will unveil the plan He has for you.
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NLT)
Trusting that God’s peace is enough may be difficult for some of us right now.
But let me encourage you in sharing this:
I remember at the beginning of the pandemic of just breaking down and being overwhelmed. And I could have easily stayed there. Instead, I turned to Jesus. The stress of worrying literally woke me up at 3:30 in the morning y’all! And I prayed! And what happened six hours after that prayer is how I basically got through 2020.
I had to hold on to that prayer.
Experiencing God’s peace surrounding me, the only way I can describe it is similar to a big hug from someone you love. I’ve experienced his peace many times, but this time it felt different. He was (and still is) in control.
To others who clung to Him throughout 2020, experience an abundance.
When one door closed, God opened new ones for them. I was able to see so many who never follow Jesus turn to Him. I witnessed my friends get baptized last year.
The Peace from God reverberates to all believers,. Some receive it and others sadly don’t. Accept the peace from Christ.
Father, thank you for allowing us to see a new year Lord.
Thank you Father for the peace we have through you son Jesus, that no matter what’s happening around us we can be at peace in You. Thank you for the hope and promise that we have because of your son.
Father, I pray for your daughter who may be grieving and hurting right now. I pray that you just come in and she experiences your presence. That as a loving Father you are, you’re wiping away the tears and comforting her. I pray for your daughter who is experiencing joy. I pray that she holds on to that joy even on the cloudy days. And I pray Father that right now, that each of us experiences your peace.
A peace to ease our minds and hearts. Peace within our families. Peace within our jobs. You go before us Lord, so you already know before we prepare our day. We thank you for gifting us with peace. It’s in your Son’s name we pray, Amen.
January 25, 2021