If we aim at nothing, we always hit it. But if we want to accomplish anything worthwhile, we need specific targets. I want to outline five particular areas of life where a clear sense of purpose will yield substantial dividends. These are our spiritual life, our family life, our vocational life, our church life, and our social life.

Spiritual Life

What is your spiritual purpose? Do you know what you want to achieve in your spiritual life? Are there graces you want to cultivate or sins you want to conquer? Do you want to grow in knowledge of Christian doctrine, or do you want to improve in sanctification? Is there a Christian grace or gift that you want to develop?

Maybe, like many Christians, you’ve never thought about these questions. You’ve just drifted along hoping for the best, but you’ve never actually clarified in your own mind where you are going or what it would look like to arrive.

That’s why I recommend praying and thinking about specific areas in which you want to grow. You could pick a doctrine to learn, such as justification, and find some good books and sermons to teach and challenge you. Or focus on a grace such as joy and find ways to cultivate and exhibit it. Maybe tell a friend or a family member what you are doing and ask them to challenge and encourage you when necessary. There are so many possibilities, but without picking one or two spiritual aims, we will either go round in circles or make a millimeter of progress in a thousand different directions…

To continue reading “5 Areas for Purposeful Goal-Setting” click here. 

Copyright Revive Our Hearts. Written by Shona Murray. Used with permission. www.ReviveOurHearts.com.