Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.
Hebrews 11: 1-3
I think all of us can agree that this year has not turned out the way we envisioned it on December 31, 2019. For example, I had plans that I included God in and others I did not. Now, more than halfway through 2020 and God has flipped my perspective. Instead of focusing on myself, He has given me a community of women who I cannot hide from even if I tried.
One of my prayers this year was to be truly submitted to Christ and I pray that you too have that desire to submit to Christ. I wanted what he wanted in my life, even if it made me uncomfortable. As a single woman, submitting my desires for marriage and children was hard. To submit the areas we struggle the most was hard however Christ had to be enough.
The goal is to make it into Heaven and spend eternity with Him right?
These last couple of months has strengthened many of us spiritually when the enemy’s goal was to cripple us from growing in and coming to Christ.
In a way, this pandemic has been a blessing.
Our homes where we use to escape from because we are always so busy has now become a place of worship a place of healing. The dwelling place of God. Jesus is reminding us that he is enough.
For some of us, during this season the LORD is teaching you how to be humbled by removing all things that you placed before Him. Or perhaps many of you were Jonah last year into this year and the LORD finally has you where He wants you. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you (John 15:7).
I know that it’s hard to find joy if you’re out of work or if someone you loved just passed away. I will not discredit your pain or anger but may I encourage you to turn it over to Lord.
Let your living room become a place of prayer when you’re broken or when warring against the schemes of the enemy. When He is enough prayer can be done anywhere!
Apart from God, nothing will ever make sense. The world has set up this delusion that we don’t need God. All that matters is the glitz and glamour that comes from selling your soul to have temporary things.
But let me tell you about Jesus!
Jesus didn’t live his 30ish years on Earth in a palace, he went place to place praying that someone in the town He was visiting would let Him and his disciples stay the night. His relationship with the Father was enough!
He continues to teach us and urge us to seek the Father in the secret place. Do not let this world steer you away from what God has in store for you. For it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow before Me; every tongue will confess to God” (Romans 14:11). We as believers do not have to be fearful of this revelation.
In this current season, will we let the Lord be enough?
Is He enough right now? We know Jesus sits on the right hand of the Father at his present moment interceding for each of us (Romans 8:34). Let me say this again, He is in the presence of our Father, INTERCEDING for us. I pray that He becomes enough for us as we wait for His glorious return.
Heavenly Father, I pray that each of your daughters comes to know that you are enough. Lord, you promise to give us the desires of our hearts. But what’s the point of obtaining them if we don’t want you. Remind us today in the present moment of your love and grace. Your Word says all things work together for good to those who love God to those called according to your purpose. Let us pursue You will open hearts and minds. Even if we’re scared we run to you. Nothing in this world will ever satisfy us the way you can.
It’s in Your Son name we pray,
September 3, 2020