Prayer is an intimate conversation with God, giving you the opportunity to praise Him, thank Him and ask Him for what your heart desires. But do we constantly pray for those things that God has already given us?
God has provided us with businesses, we have accepted, but it doesn’t stop there.
We must pray for our business daily, just as we pray over our food, families, and finances. In James 4:2, this servant of God reminds us that we don’t have what we want because we’re not asking with the right motives. In business, our motive should be to serve His people and provide solutions to their problems.
We should pray for our businesses daily to thank God for the opportunity He is given us. We should ask God to provide us with the right customers and clients and to bless us with the financial reward, so that in return we may bless His Kingdom. Here is a short prayer you can use daily:
I thank you for allowing me to be in business for myself. Remind me daily that this is not about me, but to serve Your people with the knowledge, skills, and abilities You have bestowed upon me. Bless me with the customers and clients You have set aside for me. Use my business as a vehicle to sow into Your Kingdom, as it financially flourishes.
In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
Praying for our business daily will not only keep it operating but will keep us in constant contact with the Father.
About the Author:
Diann Antley is a bestselling author, speaker, coach, and consultant. To connect with her in “A New You with Diann Antley” click here.
June 8, 2019