I’ve had a trying year and through it all, I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that I questioned God and asked where he was during these times.
I had moments of wanting to rebel just because I felt alone and that God left me to “fin” for myself. I mean if we can all be honest for a minute there have been times in our life where we felt alone and that God wasn’t there.
It reminds me of the story of Hagar. You may know Hagar as the other woman (Mistress) who had a baby with Abram; but there’s much more to the story. Hagar was a teen who was called to sleep with Abram, by Sarai to have a baby for them. However, Sarai wasn’t expecting Hagar to be disrespectful and run away. During her time away she met an angel who affirmed her and let her know that God is aware of what’s going on and needs her to return so that things may work out the way in which they are supposed to.
Like Hagar we run when things get difficult or don’t go the way in which we want it to. The good thing about her situation is that God affirmed her and told her He sees everything. He’s El Roi (The God Who Sees), that’s who God revealed himself to be to me this year.
That’s what he is to you too, He’s El Roi The God Who Sees. He knows your situation and He knows what you need, so trust Him and believe that everything will work out someway, somehow.
If you would like to read more of Hagar’s story check Genesis 16!
About the Author
Mika Washington is a 31-year-old journal writing enthusiast, who just decided to go for it. Journaling has been something she has always enjoyed. She says it helped get her through a lot in life and still does. Mika says just decided to write out loud and allow others to hear her thoughts because she was Created to Inspire!”
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December 10, 2018