Hello October!
It’s a new season and with the change in season come changes in life and your routine. Around this time of year, we’re usually getting ready for the changes in weather, the upcoming holidays, and the picturesque view that we’re used to seeing. However, also with new seasons come new circumstances, new situations, new problems that arise and try to throw us off track. I can’t tell you how many things have occurred within the last month that happened to me personally, a family member, friends, too many things to actually count.
But for a moment I felt like it was too many negative things and for a moment almost lost sight of how things could change and turn around for the better. But today, a friend and brother of mine reminded me that through all of the changes and through all of the things that arise I still have to praise and worship God. We can sometimes allow our changes, problems or circumstances to stop us from giving God the glory because of what it looks like; but the God that we serve is truly Sovereign.
One scripture that I know that’s used a lot during times like this is Romans 8:28- All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. I’ve heard many interpretations of this one particular scripture and I do believe that all things work together for our good, but the scripture that sticks out the most is Genesis 50:20a- But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good.
In context this scripture is talking about how Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery and how he came out being second in command, with the change you will begin to see people for who they are; believe them. Disclaimer everyone is not out to get you or set you up, but we have to realize that when we begin to elevate and get things that others want, some who we call friends or family will try to sabotage you. Genesis 50:20 is the scripture you can stand on, know that what others meant for evil God meant it as good and He will bring you through.
Even when it’s hard to push through when it seems too good to be true when it seems like hope is lost and there is no way out. Give God the best worship and praise you can give, God will give you peace in the middle of the storm.
About the Author:
Mika Washington is a 31-year-old journal writing enthusiast, who just decided to go for it. Journaling has been something she has always enjoyed. She says it helped get her through a lot in life and still does. Mika says just decided to write out loud and allow others to hear her thoughts because she was Created to Inspire!”
October 19, 2019