So, the bright rays of the sun are shining through longer in the evenings and the flowers are beginning to bloom. You’re feeling a sense of excitement and renewal in the air. Spring has finally arrived and with it, the promise of new beginnings and fresh starts.
But as you look around your cluttered room, not only do you see stacks of papers and a messy desk, but you also remember that the files on your computer and phone are a complete disaster.
Here are some tips to get you started on your digital spring cleaning… 
First, unsubscribe from emails that no longer serve you. You must be mindful of the content you consume, and this includes our email inbox.
So, take some time to go through your inbox and unsubscribe from any emails that no longer uplift and inspire you. This will help you focus on the ones that truly matter.
Next, organize your digital files. Just like physical clutter can weigh us down, so can digital clutter. Take some time to organize your digital files and delete anything that no longer serves a purpose. This will not only help you stay more organized but will also help you feel more productive.
Another essential step in your digital spring cleaning is clearing out your social media. While social media can be a great tool for connecting with others and sharing our faith, it can also be a major source of distraction and negativity. So, take some time to go through your social media accounts and unfollow or mute accounts that no longer serve you. This will help you curate a more positive and uplifting social media feed.
Furthermore, take some time to unplug, and spend some quality time with God and the people around you. This will help you recharge and refocus and allow you to cultivate a deeper relationship with God. So, set aside some time each day to spend time away from your devices and instead focus on the present moment.
Finally, it’s time to back up important files and photos to an external hard drive or cloud storage service. This will help ensure that your valuable digital possessions are safe and secure. And don’t forget to clean out your phone’s camera roll and delete any unnecessary screenshots or duplicate photos. This will help clear up space on your device and help you feel more organized.
Digital spring cleaning can be a refreshing way to start the season off on the right foot. So, take these tips and put them into action.
March 26, 2023