As indeed he says in Hosea,”Those who were not my people I will call ‘my people,’ and her who was not beloved I will call ‘beloved.’”
Romans 9:25 ESV
How can I begin to describe how much God loves you? How can I define the way He adores every part of your mind, even the deepest, darkest bits, you don’t let anyone else see?
I don’t have the proper words to do it the most justice.
I can describe the simple grace of your beating heart, the marvelous body you were given to live in and live out God’s calling, praise for the people that care for you, the talents you have, and the hobbies you love. I can describe the creation of the world in Eden, the promises of a Savior, and the tale of repeated forgiveness throughout the Bible until the miracle of Jesus and His death and resurrection from the cross.
But since The Fall, there is always that voice. You know the one.
The one that whispers when you’re alone and especially when you’re hurting. That voice that says you don’t deserve love. The voice that says God could never forgive someone like you. This voice comes from false ideas from the enemy. He is “a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44 NIV). The enemy does not have the power to be in your head, but he will set things in your life to change your way of thinking. That’s why God asks us to be so cautious of what we focus on.
This world doesn’t want us to feel like we belong. The enemy wants to pull us away from others and from God.
But the Lord disregards what the world thinks.
Instead He calls you “beloved.”
He says you are wanted, chosen, created, and most of all, absolutely fully known and loved.
When we receive the truth that we belong to God, we take back power. The enemy’s words can’t change God’s way. Every time the enemy battles holy truth, he loses.
Dear God, thank You for always speaking truth into my life. Thank You for loving me. I love you, Lord, and choose to believe what You say about me. I am beloved. Amen.
Read this devotion and more in Ellie’s ECPA-bestselling book “God Calls You Strong, Girl”, available from Barbour Publishing.