“Even now my witness is in heaven; my advocate is on high. My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God; on behalf of a man he pleads with God as one pleads for a friend. – Job 16:19 (NIV)
This life can be riddled with brokenness and yet, there is one who so deeply cares for every hurt and heartache. I was recently reading in John chapter eleven the story of how Jesus’ friend Lazarus died. Jesus approached the scene knowing that Lazarus was dead, and that He was going to resurrect Lazarus for the glory of God. Our Rock was calm and unwavering as he entered the picture. In a moments time, though, that all changed and we get a glimpse at the heart of God.
“When Jesus saw her [Mary] weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled… Jesus wept.” – John 11:33 – 35 (NIV)
While our Savior is often portrayed as unshakeable, there are times in the Bible we see Jesus moved to a passionate display of emotion. If I’m honest, each time I read one of these accounts, I am a bit jarred. There is something raw and beautiful about untethered emotion expressed in a completely righteous manner. This example in John makes it clear to me that it is not the situation that elicits a response from Jesus (He already knew!!), but rather the brokenness of a beloved friend.
Jesus intercedes for us, and He is moved by what moves us. He is not surprised by my situations but empathizes as I journey through. Not only is He my Saviour, my Provider, and my Healer, but He is my Friend. And He is more than enough – if only I can learn to rely on Him.
As I approach age thirty (ancient – I know…), I have drawn the conclusion that this life isn’t easy. In fact, it’s often really hard. However, with a properly aligned perspective and faith firmly grounded in Jesus, there is so much good to experience in this life.
Learning how to rely on Him as I encounter the ‘ugly’ of life has been a challenge I have not always met with ease. Without realizing it, I compartmentalize Jesus’ ability to sustain me. I accept that He will be all that I need as I pass through death and into resurrection, but I often fail to conceive that no matter what my life looks like – He is more than enough in the here and now.
My own walk has called on me to navigate some tough relational circumstances lately. As I talk with other ladies, I am assured that I am not alone in this. Whether it quarrels with a spouse that seems to have no easy solution or a broken and dysfunctional relationship with a parent or authority figure, I believe God wants us to know that He cares and is interceding on our behalf regarding these situations. But in the meantime, I am reminded that even if everything else fell away – He is enough.
“Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” – Psalm 73:25-26 (NIV)
Walking out faith and reliance through the chaos of life seems to be a battle of redirection waged every thirty seconds or so. I am learning to refocus my head and my heart back on Him every time doubt, hurt, and frustration threaten to take root. I’m pretty convinced this is a war that spans a lifetime, merely taking different forms as I grow in Him. I take heart knowing that for every battle, victory rewards with a peace that surpasses understanding and a new reliance on, and therefore intimacy with, the author of it all.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled” – Matthew 5:6 (NIV)
Relying on God to be all that I need takes more than opening my eyes to see how I have put God in a box and limited the areas of my life He has access to. It is more than aligning my perspective with His to find the good in it all. This verse in Matthew tugs at my heart and points to the idea that some truths, hard though the application may be, are simple. Do right. In the midst of conflict – do right. When things aren’t going my way – do right. As I choose what is right over what satisfies me, I allow satisfaction and sustenance to be provided by Him. His provision is far better than what I can muster together for myself.
Holy Spirit guide us continually back to a reliance on you as we weather the chaos of life. Impart in us a deeper understanding of the love you have for us that moves you to compassion and empathy. Thank you for being a friend that stands with us as we experience emotion, reminding us we do not have to succumb to it – because in you we have more than enough!
About the Author
Megan Deemer is a full time critical care nurse, and part time writer for Jesus. She has been married to her husband, Christian, for almost ten years. The Deemer’s have a beautiful and feisty six-year-old daughter, Libby. Megan is honored to have the opportunity to share some of the truths Jesus drops into her own life.
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November 26, 2018